





Published: December 1994

Author Interview IV[]

Translation by Sherrasama

Author Interview IV
“Let’s Play with Kanzaka-sensei Whish Bang Whap ~Author Participation Event Complete Edition~” Light Reading

Tamiki: “Since becoming a novelist, have you had any difficulties with things like daily life or social encounters?”
Kanzaka: Since I quit my job and became a novelist, I shut myself in at home and clack away at the word processor. Even when I go on walks around the neighborhood, I only play around with cats… Needless to say, I got fatter. (laughs)
I’ve gained 22 pounds since leaving the company, you know—?
All the while thinking, “I need to do something about this!” as I loaf around the house.

Tamiki: Compared to when I first met you two years ago, you have gotten chubbier.
Kanzaka: When I returned to my parents’ home, they too told me stuff like “wow, you’re chubby” and inside I kept thinking “leave me alone—” (laughs)
Tamiki: Well, isn’t it better to have a presence rather than be thin? (laughs) Next one.
“What do you like and dislike about yourself?”

Kanzaka: I see… They’re two sides of the same coin, but what I like is how “I’m not particular about things.” Despite that, what I don’t like is that “I should be more particular.”
Tamiki: Now then, let’s move on to the Slayers questions. Starting with the Lina ones. “Among those in Lina’s hometown, about how many of them do you think are on the level of ‘people she can’t compete with’?”
Kanzaka: Hmmmmmmm…five people!
Tamiki: Just now, you were counting on your fingers under the desk.
Kanzaka: Well, I don’t currently have any plans for anyone from her hometown to show up, but there are five from behind the scenes, I think.
Tamiki: Assuming that at least her parents and older sister are among them, that would mean there are others aside from them, right?
Kanzaka: That’s right. There are two more.
Tamiki: But you said there are no plans to write them in.
Kanzaka: Well, since I said that I wouldn’t write them into Slayers, wouldn’t that mean there is a possibility of writing them into another series……?
Tamiki: Whoa, there’s a statement worth taking note of. Well, I don’t think I’ll get an answer by grilling you about it, so I won’t ask.
Kanzaka: Plus, the author doesn’t have a clear image just yet.
Tamiki: I thought that would be the case. Okay, next.
“How many times in the past has Lina practiced the Giga Slave?”
There was that one time she created a cove of death that couldn’t be inhabited by a single fish, but…

Kanzaka: The Giga Slave was only used that time, once in the first main novel, and twice in the eighth main novel, for a total of four times.
Tamiki: So, she tried it once, but the power was overwhelming so she had to abandon it.
Kanzaka: She had to abandon it, probably.
Tamiki: “What are Lina’s latest shoulder guards made of?” I’m pretty sure you didn’t write the materials down, though.
Kanzaka: You got me there. I described it while thinking I could use it as foreshadowing for something eventually, but per my usual criticism, I didn’t think it through at all.
Tamiki: It seems like foreshadowing to say that you actually don’t think anything through. (laughs)
Kanzaka: It’s happened a lot where I’ll write without knowing whether it will become foreshadowing for something or not, but if nothing comes of it in the end, I just say “oh well, whatever.”
However, I also think it’s fine to have unseen plot that never comes to the surface.
Like “L” from the afterword…ultimately, that was exposed in the eighth main novel, although even if it wasn’t, it might have been obvious anyway.
Let’s say the answer wasn’t explicitly written out, stuff like “Who do you think L is?” might become an enthusiastic topic of conversation among friends. However, if you spell it out from the beginning, then it just ends up as “Oh, that was L, wasn’t it?” “Probably.”
That’s why I want to continue intentionally setting aside unrevealed foreshadowing.

Tamiki: I have three questions about Lost Universe.
“Were there any times that Canal appeared as a man depending on the user?”

Kanzaka: I don’t really want to think about it, so let’s say that never happened.
Tamiki: After all, she’s better as a girl. (laughs)
Kanzaka: That’s true. In the first place, Kane’s grandma is the first user, so Vorfeed has definitely only ever taken on the form of a girl.
Tamiki: “Is ‘Dugradigdu’ the real name of Dark Star?”
Kanzaka: Yep.
Tamiki: Now that's what you call a question that can be answered in an instant. (laughs)
Next, “Do you really believe Einstein[‘s theory] can be defeated without using cheap tricks?”[1]

Kanzaka: I’d love to say that it could be possible.
After all, foreign physics scholars have come to doubt that theory to some degree, so it’s possible it will eventually be disproven someday.

Tamiki: I think we’ll just nonchalantly watch over the matter until other people disprove it on their own.
Kanzaka: It’s nearly become a world where everyone says, “Okay, okay, everyone do your best~”

Tamiki: Next, when I sorted out questions related to One Day Quest, there were only two left.
“Who all does Eri’s family consist of?”

Kanzaka: I think there were both parents and the younger brother… This is normally where I tend to give half-baked answers, then when I get home and check it, “Oops, that was wrong” ……Uhm. Both parents and the younger brother, for sure.
Tamiki: “Since Rahdi was sleeping while donning an illusion of a human form, from the outside, wouldn’t it look like a young woman sleeping in a crouching position?”
Kanzaka: It would. (laughs)

作者インタビュー IV
『神坂先生と遊ぼうぴんぽんぱん ~作者参加イベント完全レポート~』ちょい読み

初出:『BLASTER! Vol.4』(1994年12月発行)【現在発行中の物では『BLASTER!I~VI』に収録】
民木 「小説家になってから、生活面や交流面で苦労していることはありますか?」
神坂 仕事やめちゃって小説家になって、家にこもってワープロ打ってたり、散歩と言っても近所の猫とじゃれてるだけですし……太るんですよね、これが(笑)

民木 二年前に初めてお会いしたときに比べると、ふっくらしましたよね。
神坂 実家に帰っても、「まー、ふっくらして」とか言われて、「ほっといてくれー」と内心で思ってたり(笑)
民木 まあ、痩せてるよりも貫禄があっていいんじゃないですか?(笑)次です。

神坂 そうですねー。表裏一体なんですけど、好きなところは「ものごとにこだわらない」ところで、嫌いなところは「もーちょっとこだわれよ」というところです。
民木 さて、それでは続いてスレイヤーズの質問に行きます。まずはリナ関係から。

神坂 ん―――――――――っ……5人!
民木 今、机の下で指折り数えてましたね。
神坂 まあ、今のところスレイヤーズで故郷の連中が出てくる予定はないんですけど、裏設定では五人かな、という。
民木 少なくとも両親と姉ちゃんはその中に入るとして、それ以外にもいるわけなんですね?
神坂 そうですね。あと2人います。
民木 でも書く予定はないぞ、と。
神坂 いや、「スレイヤーズでは書かない」というわけですから、ひょっとしたら別のシリーズで書く可能性はあるんじゃないかなって……
民木 おおっと、今の発言は注目すべきところですね。まあ、今はまだつっこんで訊いても答えはもらえないだろうと思うんで訊きませんが。
神坂 作者もまだ、はっきりとしたイメージを持ってるわけじゃありませんしね。
民木 そんなことだろうと思いました。はい、次。

神坂 それが一回と、一巻で一回、八巻で二回の計四回のみの使用ですね、『重破斬』は。
民木 じゃあ、一回実験してみて、威力があまりにも強力だったんで、それでやめてしまったと。
神坂 やめちゃったんでしょうね、たぶん。
民木 「一番新しいリナのショルダーガードは何でできているのですか?」たしか、材質は書いてなかったんですよね。
神坂 そうなんですよね。あれもそのうち伏線に使えるかなと思いつつ書いたんですけど、まだぜんぜん考えてないという、いつもの攻撃です。
民木 伏線なようで実は何も考えてないと(笑)
神坂 よくあるんですよね、伏線になるかもしれないとかいって書いてて、けっきょく使ってないけど、まあいいやっていうのが。

民木 ロスト・ユニバースに関する質問が三つ。

神坂 あまり考えたくないんで、なかったことにしましょう。
民木 やっぱり女の子の方がいいと(笑)
神坂 そうですね。だいいち、ヴォルフィードのユーザーっていうのはケインのばーちゃんが初代ですから、やっぱり女の子の姿オンリーです。
民木 「『デュグラディグドゥ』というのが『ダークスター』の本名なんでしょうか?」
神坂 そうです。
民木 今のがいわゆる一瞬にして答え終わる質問というやつです(笑)

神坂 できればいーなー、と思うわけですけども。

民木 他人が勝手に敗ってくれるのを、のほほんと見守っていようと。
神坂 ほとんど「はいはい、みんながんばってね~」という世界ですね。
民木 次、日帰りクエストに関する質問は整理したら二つしか残りませんでした。

神坂 両親と、たしか弟がいたと思うんですけど……ここでいい加減に答えといて、うちに帰って確認したら「ありゃ違ったわ」ってことが多々ありますんで……えーと、両親と兄弟が一人いたはずです。
民木 「ラーディが人間の姿の幻をまとったまま眠っていたとゆーことは、はたから見ると、やっぱり人間の女性がしゃがんだままの姿勢で眠っているように見えるんでしょうか?」
神坂 見えます(笑)

