Cross Cadia (クロスカディア?) is a light novel series by Hajime Kanzaka and illustrations by Yoshitaka Taniguchi. It was serialized in Fujimi Shobo's "Monthly Dragon" magazine till its completion and published into 6 volumes under their Fujimi Fantasia Bunko imprint.
In the town of Fume, a student named Shindred Kairam finds his life out of whack after bumping into a self-proclaimed villainous girl named Mei. The night they first met, they were attacked by a terrifying, demonic black shadow, leaving Shin stiffened with fear and Mei to die after being pierced through her chest.
On the next day, Shin arms himself in fear after last night's events until a second eccentric appears in front of him, a self-proclaimed Rewarder named Rafra Rifla. Like Mei, her presence further escalates Shin's troubles while the number of strange friends around him gradually increase, and his battles becoming more intense.