If you are simply here to browse, then this information is not relevant to you. See Kanzaka:Browse instead.
To get started editing at KanzakaDex, you must first register an account with Wikia. Go to Special:Userlogin. Enter your desired username and password, and click on the "Create new account" button. It is possible for you to make edits to pages without registering, but you will be identified by your IP address and will not have the full benefits that registered users do (recognition, easy communication, etc.). It is strongly recommended that you register.
After registering, you should look at some of the Special:Longpages in each category to get a feel for what the KanzakaDex style is like. Don't worry about getting it perfectly in synch with everything at first- editors and well-versed users will help correct your work. However, it is recommended that you try to familiarize yourself with KanzakaDex style. Kanzaka:Policy is another good read for new users.
If you are unsure of a good place to start, simply click on the random page or recent changes links on the left toolbar to see what people have been working on thus far. If you see a red link on a page, it means that there is no content on that linked page. You can make it blue by adding content to that page.
A more direct method is to consult the list of wanted articles- these are articles that have been linked to but have no content. Alternatively, if you do not like starting from scratch, there are numerous stub articles that could use more content.
If there is a particular subject area in which you are well-versed and want to contribute, try to find it in the category list.