Slayers: The Hourglass of Falces is a one-book manga illustrated by Asahi, which chaters were previously published in the two-volume series Slayers Legend. It is noted as the first and only Slayers manga series to include the up to then novel-only characters Luke and Mileena.
Release date | ISBN | |||
JP: November 2008 US: |
JP: 4-04-712578-0 US: | |||
Major Events[]
Main Characters[]
- Lina Inverse
- Gourry Gabriev
- Zelgadiss Graywords
- Amelia Wil Tesla Saillune
- Luke
- Mileena
- Xelloss
- Naga the Serpent
- Though this is the first time Luke and Mileena are seen, it is clear they have been travelling with Lina for some time.
- Luke's identity as one of the shards of Ruby Eye Shabranigdu is implied several times during the story, most prominently during the battle with Ranzam, when Luke survives a direct hit from a Dragon Slave, a spell that draws its power from Ruby Eye and thus is useless against him.
- Though she doesn't appear in the main story, Naga the Serpent makes a cameo appearance when Noa finds her washed up on the shore of Falces Island in the last panel of the manga.