SpecialManga01 Cover

Slayers Special (Japanese: スレイヤーズ すぺしゃる Romaji: sureiyāzu supesharu) is a four volume manga series illustrated by Tommy Ohtsuka (Studio Zombie), following the adventures of Lina Inverse and Naga the Serpent. Almost half of its chapters are loosely based on episodes from the Slayers Special novels. All episodes had previously been published in the DragonJr magazine from August 1999 to October 2001.

List of Volumes[]

Volume Title Release date ISBN
01 Slayers Special 1
スレイヤーズすぺしゃる 1
US: Touch of Evil
JPN: May 2000
US: 2002
JPN: 4-04-712229-7
US: 1-58664-865-9
02 Slayers Special 2
スレイヤーズすぺしゃる 2
US: Notorious
JPN: February 2001
US: 2003
JPN: 4-04-712261-0
US: 1-58664-902-7
03 Slayers Special 3
スレイヤーズすぺしゃる 3
US: Lesser of Two Evils
JPN: May 2001
US: 2003
JPN: 4-04-712266-1
US: 1-58664-903-5
04 Slayers Special 4
スレイヤーズすぺしゃる 4
US: Spellbound
JPN: October 2001
US: 2003
JPN: 4-04-712279-3
US: 1-58664-904-3


  • All four volumes were translated and given subtitles by Central Park Media.
  • Volumes 1 and 2 of the English manga were printed to read left-to-right, while volumes 3 and 4 were properly printed to read right-to-left like traditional manga.