
I don't think Zuuma's reasons for becoming an assassin are different. According to Kanzaka, in Evolution-R they were able to include some backstory for Radok that he could not fit into his novels, meaning they shouldn't be contradictory. --Pip25 16:58, 7 March 2009 (UTC)

Does that mean that Kanzaka-sensei played a part in writing the Zuuma story for Slayers Evolution-R? Also, what happened to Dugld and Gduza in the novels? I can't remember for the life of me and my novels are all still packed in the basement.
From what we can gather, Kanzaka did not write the storyboard, but did have some say on how the story will unfold, and shared his ideas with the production crew; and when the storyboard was complete, he checked that too.
The two-low ranking mazoku were defeated by Amelia and Zelgadiss in the novels (well, at least Dugld was, Gduza has been killed by his own partner in the end, who was getting really desperate for some miasma). --Pip25 09:07, 8 March 2009 (UTC)
Ah, didn't know that. I'll edit it to reflect that. For the record though, where did Kanzaka say this?Catgirl the Crazy 21:43, 15 March 2009 (UTC)
It was in the new afterword of novel 3 included in these new panoramic versions of the novels. :) QP/Diana published a translation on her "Slayers Again" page here: http://homepage3.nifty.com/QPHOUSE/slrev/s-again7.html It's the second entry for May 20, 2008. --Pip25 08:13, 16 March 2009 (UTC)